Unlock Your Body

Get Your Holistic Mobility Routines Now
Your New Daily Selfcare


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Get the Unlock Your Body Journey

Do you feel like you've lost the user manual for your body?

Imagine being able to trust your body again, understand the language of your body, and move gracefully and confidently without thinking about it. Imagine being the expert of your own body once again. It’s Time To Recover Your Natural Movement Intelligence, Body Competency And Health.

When all aspects of your body, including mind and emotions, are in harmony, health, performance and longevity unfold.

Healthcare in the 2020s is self-responsible. Regardless of your age or fitness level, this foundational self-care should be as essential as brushing your teeth!

Unlock Your Body is a modern synthesis of biomechanics, neurology, bioenergetics, psychosomatics, and philosophy.

It's a holistic approach that helps you find your user manual of the most advanced technology in the world: your body.

Key Benefits You Get

Join the Unlock Your Body Routines today and unlock your full potential for physical and mental well-being!

About me

Tim Böttner is a highly knowledgeable and experienced holistic health, movement, and lifestyle coach. With his unique background as a sports scientist and mechanical engineer, Tim brings a comprehensive and systematic approach to the world of health and wellness. With his diverse skill set and extensive knowledge, Tim has developed a unique teaching methodology that combines his engineering and sports science background with the subtle arts of health. This approach allows him to break down complex concepts and make them accessible to learners of all levels.

Tim’s systematic approach to teaching empowers his students to understand the subtleties of movement and cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies. His ability to bridge the gap between science and practice enables individuals to achieve optimal results and unlock their body’s true potential.

Personal Training & Coaching Sessions
+ 0
Group Classes
+ 0
Health Retreats & Workshops
+ 0
Strange Things Towards Truth
+ 0

Tim's Path

Having conducted over 1500 personal training and coaching sessions and taught over 1500 group classes, Tim has gained invaluable hands-on experience and insights. He has also learned from some of the most inspiring mentors in the world, continuously expanding his knowledge and refining his coaching techniques. By joining Tim on the “Unlock Your Body” online course, you’ll benefit from his extensive expertise and innovative teaching style. Discover the transformative power of holistic movement, cultivate a deeper understanding of your body, and embark on a journey towards optimal well-being. Enroll now and experience the holistic approach that sets Tim apart as a trusted coach and guide in the field of health and fitness.

Studies in sports and applied training sciences
Diploma Mechanical Engineering
Coach The coach mentorship of Tobias Kriehuber
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level I and II
CHEK Program Design I
Certified Functional Personal Trainer
Reiki Level I and II
Original Strength Certified Coach
Z-Health Basics
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
Certified Olympic Lifting Trainer
Certified Functional Myofascial Trainer Sport
Certified Athletic Trainer Level I and II
Certified Functional Trainer Level I and II
Certified Kettlebell Trainer Level I
Animal Athletics Seminar
Certified Functional Nutrition Coach
Functional Movement Screen 1
Fitness Trainer B- and A-License

Elisa, Sports Scientist
Elisa, Sports Scientist
"Far too often, the individual disciplines in sports are considered in isolation and compete with each other. Tim manages to find a common thread and achieve a holistic perspective. The connection between fascia, organs, neural aspects, breathing, and our muscular work was clear to me and provides a more holistic view on specific pain symptoms in my work as a sports therapist."
Dr. Simone Koch
Dr. Simone Koch
"If you want to be individually supported with endless expertise, passion, and commitment, Tim is the right person to turn to. Highly recommended from a personal and medical perspective!"
Frank,  Athlete  & Office Worker
Frank, Athlete & Office Worker
"I have been involved in sports since I could walk, and Tim has made me think about movement in a completely different way. The holistic approach is definitely my highlight. Only when all links in the movement chain fit together perfectly is power generation and utilization optimal."
Julian Gunkel, Physiotherapist
Julian Gunkel, Physiotherapist
"A wonderful, inspiring person with incredibly effective coaching skills! Highest level of practical and theoretical knowledge in training and health. Whether you want to move without pain, seek optimization at a professional athletic level, or improve your everyday fitness, Tim is highly recommended. Congratulations on your work, Tim!"
Xafer F., Everyday Hero
Xafer F., Everyday Hero
"Tim possesses a wealth of knowledge and has the ability to convey it in a simple way that everyone can understand. His passion and vision are absolutely contagious, and success comes immediately. Tim Boettner loves and lives movement... You can feel it in everything he teaches."

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

30-day money-back guarantee: Experience the life-changing impact risk-free. If not fully satisfied within 30 days, receive a full refund—no questions asked.

Are You Ready to Unlock Your Full Potential?
Join the Full Unlock Your Body Journey

This course is not just about mobility, body, and movement as you traditionally understand it. Mobility is the ability to experience the world around you. Your body is not just your physical body; it is a sensory organ with emotions, organs, thoughts, and feelings that enable you to perceive reality. Developing movement competence and body intelligence allows you to gain health competence and make decisions from a centered place amidst the chaos of life. This is foundational knowledge, everybody should embody.


Unlock Your Body offers a wealth of resources, including engaging video lessons, detailed instructional materials, and interactive exercises that deepen your understanding and facilitate your progress. With lifetime access to the course materials, you can revisit and reinforce your newfound knowledge whenever needed.

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Dein integrativer Ansatz für selbstverantwortliche Gesundheit durch Bewegung

Jetzt sofort starten oder bei der ersten 8-Wochen Journey ab dem 31. Juli dabei sein!

Kernphase des Fastens:
06.03. - 10.03.2025

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Online Fasten Retreat 2025

Die Fülle der Leere finden

Beer, sake, wine and cocktails

Erlebe die transformative Kraft des Fastens

vom 24.11. bis 01.12.2024 sichern

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33% Rabatt

auf ausgewählte Kurse

Beer, sake, wine and cocktails

Entwickle Bewegungskompetenz, Körperintelligenz
und integrale Gesundheit

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